— was a question posed to me recently by a healing client...

I responded: "I think the better question may be to ask ourselves... "Why do we need or want to know about what the future holds?"

Ammachi, my Spiritual Teacher, has said that "Perfect faith IS enlightenment"... Cultivating such faith requires letting go of so many worries and fears, and requires a degree of surrender that is so rare, that people rarely ever attain to such a state of absolute peace and freedom. But wouldn't a goal of even a little more peace be worth our effort? So I encourage people to do practices which help them let go of their worries of the future, to set goals and to be more pro-active in the present to bring about their desired future outcomes, and to work toward having more peace, surrender, and trust in God on their journies.

While I believe that certain people through intuitive perception and even by means of astrology or other methods of divination can -- to different degrees -- may be able to foretell certain future events, I don't seek such council. I don't wish to "grasp on to" some idea of a future as my means to try to attain peace, instead I work to let go of the worries and fears that stop me from fully surrendering to whatever may come. This brings a more lasting and ever deepening inner peace, which is the basis of true freedom.

Consulting psychics, as you know, is full of uncertainty — even if we come away with certain future predictions, we can’t know they are true ... I did my share of it in my teens and twenties, and there were some predictions that came to pass while most others did not. It was what I felt I needed at times in order to fill a void of insecurity or help to quell my worries or give me hope in the face of my hopelessness or lack of faith. In other words, it was what I did in-place-of learning to let go of whatever my ego was afraid of facing in my future, and trusting in God’s greater wisdom.

“We must understand then, that even though God doesn't always give us what we want,
He always gives us what we need ...”

Saint Augustine

Since I've been doing deeper spiritual practice, over time those fears and worries have subsided more and more, and I am presently much better able to live in the "now" in greater peace and surrender.

So the question is... will we feed our fears something to grab onto, or shall we face our fears and dissolve them through our spiritual practices and surrender? Spiritual practice and gradually letting go of our fears takes time and patience, while consulting a psychic seems to offer a quick fix. But we may wish to ask ourselves which path will result in a more stable and true freedom?

During my healing sessions, at times I’m inwardly guided to suggest what I see might likely happen in a person’s future — but I beleive this is only if there is a very good, divinely inspired reason and spiritual benefit which can be derived by sharing such insights.

In India, and even at my Spiritual Teacher Ammachi’s ashram, many people use Vedic Astrology. It is considered a highly developed science in the East, especially if it is practiced under the watchful guidance of an Enlightened Master. Combined with intuitive insight, many people consult vedic astrologers to learn about the influences upon them, and the times these influences may be strongest, to help them spiritually, materially, for health purposes, etc. A vedic astrologer (Jyotish) can recommend various spiritual “remedies" to counteract problems they can see in a person’s chart, including time periods which may bring certain challenges. In “Autobiography of A Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda, there is an entire brilliant chapter explaining vedic astrology, it’s pros and cons, it’s science, and it’s best application in spiritual life — see chapter 16, “Outwitting the Stars”. He has excellent insights and recommendations to follow if you wish to learn more.

- Warmest wishes, Michael

Michael Ackerman

Michael Ackerman is a medical intuitive, distance healer, and retired chiropractic doctor with 37 yrs experience. He works with clients in the US and world-wide.

“I’m So Confused… What Should I Do?” Is not an uncommon question in a healing practice.


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